Since the introduction of ultrasound in clinical medicine, it has rapidly become the best and safest imaging choice for a wide variety of Obstetric and Gynecologic conditions. Patients are familiar with ultrasound as a tool for expectant mothers, but ultrasound is also very beneficial to diagnose gynecological problems.
Ultrasound is used for obstetrical conditions such as structural abnormalities, ectopic pregnancy, twin pregnancy, fetal growth delay and placental problems.
Ultrasound is also a highly useful tool for certain gynecological disorders such as pelvic pain, abnormal bleeding, ovarian cysts, fibroids, evaluating infertility, and urogynecologic problems.
At OB-GYN Specialists for Women, we are proud to have a comprehensive ultrasound program. Our skilled ultrasonographers are part of the clinical team, working in consultation with the doctors to ensure a quality diagnostic ultrasound evaluation of each patient. OB-GYN Specialists for Women is accredited by the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine (AIUM) after demonstrating achievement of nationally recognized standards and guidelines in the performance of diagnostic ultrasound.